King Nimrod of Babylon and His Connection to Cush

Welcome to Africa the Land of Shem website; the online series to the book and teaching of the Bible’s ideal land and ideal people. Today, we are talking about Nimrod, king Nimrod of Babylon, and his connection to Cush, the grandson of the patriarch, Noa. Let’s dive in.

In the biblical context, Cush is one of the grandsons of Noah. The passage from Genesis 10:7-12 provides genealogical information about the descendants of Cush, particularly focusing on Nimrod.

Sons of Cush: 

According to Genesis 10:7, the sons of Cush were Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabtechah. Additionally, it mentions the sons of Raamah: Sheba, and Dedan. These names represent various nations or peoples that descended from Cush (sometimes written as Kush, with a “K”).

Nimrod: The passage goes on to state that Cush begat Nimrod. Nimrod is described as a mighty figure and a mighty hunter before the Lord. He became king, King Nimrod of Babylon, who happened to be a son or descendant of Cush. This description suggests that Nimrod was not just a skilled hunter of animals but also a powerful and influential leader among the people. His name became associated with strength and prowess.

Nimrod’s Kingdom

Nimrod’s kingdom is said to have started in Babel (or Babylon), Erech, Accad, and Calneh in the land of Shinar. These were significant cities and regions in ancient Mesopotamia. Babel is particularly well-known for the story of the Tower of Babel, where people tried to build a tower to reach the heavens, leading to the confusion of languages brought on by God. 

The location of Nimrod’s kingdom would most likely be in eastern Africa because of where the ancient Kushitic people lived.

The ancient Kushitic people, also known as the Kingdom of Kush, inhabited an area in northeastern Africa that corresponds to modern-day Sudan, parts of southern Egypt, and even parts of Ethiopia today. This region is often referred to as Nubia in historical sources.

Here are some sources to support this:

  1. Ancient Inscriptions and Monuments: Archaeological discoveries, including inscriptions and monuments, found in Sudan and Egypt, provide evidence of the existence of the Kingdom of Kush and its rulers. These inscriptions often mention the interactions and conflicts between Kush and other ancient civilizations, such as Egypt.
  2. Historical Texts: Ancient Egyptian texts, such as the “Annals of the New Kingdom,” contain references to interactions with the Kingdom of Kush, including military campaigns and trade relations. These texts help confirm the historical presence of the Kushitic people in the region.
  3. Archaeological Excavations: Ongoing archaeological excavations in Sudan, particularly in places like Kerma, Meroe, and Nuri, have unearthed extensive remains of Kushitic cities, temples, pyramids, and artifacts. These excavations provide a wealth of information about the culture, society, and history of the ancient Kushitic people.
  4. Scholarly Research: Numerous academic studies and research articles have been published by archaeologists, historians, and Egyptologists that focus on the Kingdom of Kush. These scholarly works provide in-depth analyses of the Kushitic civilization based on archaeological evidence and historical records.
  5. Museums: Museums in Sudan and Egypt house a vast collection of artifacts and relics from the Kingdom of Kush. Visitors can see these artifacts, including pottery, jewelry, statues, and hieroglyphics, which offer insights into the daily life and history of the Kushitic people.
  6. Geographical Context: The geographical location of Sudan and southern Egypt, along the Nile River, aligns with the historical accounts of the Kingdom of Kush. The Nile Valley was a vital region for agriculture, trade, and cultural exchange, making it a suitable location for an ancient kingdom.

By examining these sources, it becomes evident that the ancient Kushitic (Cushitic) people occupied a significant portion of northeastern Africa, primarily in what is now Sudan, and had a complex and influential civilization in the ancient world.

Therefore, as we read about Cush in the Bible, to make him real in our minds, and his son or descendant, King Nimrod, real in our minds, we must associate them with their land. Their land was Babel for one, which is Babylon, which would have been the modern-day Sudan area. 

Does this make sense?

Asshur and Nineveh: The passage from Genesis 10:7-12 also mentions that out of the land where Nimrod’s kingdom began, Asshur (Assyria) went out from and built a city of his own, Nineveh. He did this along with other cities like Rehoboth and Calah. Nineveh would later become the capital of the Assyrian Empire, one of the great empires of the ancient kingdoms.

Historically, this passage is often seen as providing a genealogy of various ancient nations and cities. Nimrod is traditionally associated with the growth of cities and early human civilization in the ancient Near East. Unfortunately for modern-day historia and geography, near east and even ancient near east have different denominations. Map images from Google will display the ancient near east as the areas listed on the image below:

For those following along via audio these areas today include Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, Palestin, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, going as far as Afganistan and Pakistan. Unfortunately, this is incorrect. The ancient near east is only referring to the continent we call Africa today.

The passage in Genesis 11:1-9, commonly referred to as the Tower of Babel story, is related to the lineage of King Nimrod and the people of Kush as mentioned in Genesis 10:7-12. Here’s how these passages are connected:

Genesis 10:7-12 (KJV):

“And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtechah: and the sons of Raamah; Sheba, and Dedan. And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city.”

Location: Both passages mention the land of Shinar. In Genesis 10:10, it is stated that Nimrod’s kingdom began in Babel (Babylon), which was located in the land of Shinar. The Tower of Babel incident in Genesis 11 also takes place in the land of Shinar. On ancient maps, Shinar is spelled Sennar (that is S-E-N-N-A-R). In our book, which you can help promote and get an inaugural hardback copy, Africa is the Land of Shem, we detail the maps for you to see clearly. The land of Shinar would be today in Sudan. Historians state this and it connects with our Bible and Bible story.

Historical Context:

In Genesis 10, the descendants of Cush are listed, including Nimrod, who is described as a mighty figure. Genesis 11 then elaborates on the actions of the people in the land of Shinar, who decided to build a city and a tower, likely the city of Babel mentioned in Genesis 10. This tower-building event is associated with a desire for human achievement and making a name for themselves. Making a name for themselves connects us to Psalm 2, verses 1 through 3.

The question is asked why do the heathen rage and the people imagine vain things? The kings of the earth set themselves; Nimrod appointed himself and the people supported it. They did not seek the Creator for this Divine appointment. They took counsel together against the Creator and against His anointed desiring to break their connection apart from Him. They wanted to make a name for themselves.

Divine Intervention:

In both passages, there is divine intervention. In Genesis 10, Nimrod is described as a mighty hunter “before the Lord.” In Genesis 11:5-9, the Lord comes down to see what the people of Babel are doing, and He confounds their language to prevent them from completing their tower. This intervention leads to the scattering of the people across the earth, as their languages are confused.

Babel: The connection between these passages is the city of Babel. In Genesis 10:10, it is mentioned as part of Nimrod’s kingdom, and in Genesis 11:9, the city is named Babel because of the confusion of languages. Babel is Babylon, still modern-day Sudan, where as of this publishing (October 25th, 2023), there is still a war taking place.

Yes, there is still a war going on in Sudan.

The conflict began in April 2023 between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The fighting has spread to the Darfur region, Kordofan, and Blue Nile states. The conflict has killed hundreds of people, wounded thousands more, and displaced hundreds of thousands. It has also prompted several countries, including the United States, to evacuate personnel and close diplomatic missions in Sudan.

In summary, the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 is related to the historical context provided in Genesis 10 regarding the descendants of Cush (or Kush), particularly Nimrod, who established his kingdom in the land of Shinar (or Sennar), where Babel or Babylon was located. The Tower of Babel incident is a significant event in the biblical narrative, illustrating themes of human pride, divine intervention, and the scattering of peoples. It is also connected to the lineage of King Nimrod and the people of Kush as described in Genesis 10:7-12.

What is the Purpose?

The purpose of this information whether you are reading, viewing the video, or listening to the article is to establish a geo marker. Our new project, Africa the Land of Shem, is not meant to change or disorientate your spiritual and biblical beliefs. It is aimed to provide Proverbs chapter 23, verse 23 to your biblical and spiritual arsenal. Buy or get the truth! Paul’s first words regarding the “Whole Armor of God” were for us to be girt or encircled with truth. Surround yourself with the truth (Ephesians 6:14).

Roman governor, Pontius Pilate once asked the Anointed Son, “What is truth?” That was in John chapter 18, verse 38. In the text, it appears Pilate walked away before he could be given an answer. The Anointed Son prayed and revealed the answer to anyone listening, “Sanctify them through Thy truth; Thy Word is truth.”

The Creator’s Word is truth.

Many people will state the geography of the scriptures isn’t important. Is that true? In order to make the scriptures real to us, we want real locations and real people. We don’t want professionals, professional historians, archaeologists, linguists, biblical scholars, pastors, and priests, stating they are not sure about things we can be sure about.

It is time-out for us to know clearly about things that happened 15 million years ago, but for us to be fuzzy about things that happened 200 or 2000 years ago. So, there you have it. We are researching the Bible from a geographical standpoint.

If you need to learn and find your African Heritage in the scriptures, get a copy of our newest book Finding African Ancestry in the Bible

Thank you and we pray it is clear to you that Nimrod’s kingdom was vast and spread out. President Biden’s base is Washington DC, but his country spans from Hawaii Alaska to New York and Florida. Nimrod’s base was Babel and the land of Shinar but likewise, it spanned far also, the Kingdom of Kush.

Until next time, be strong and very courageous, and may the Great Creator be with you.

Minister Koko
Consul General AKOPPI-BSM

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