Genesis 15 The Almighty’s Promises to Abram

Africa the land of Shem

After everything settled, the war on the continent between the kings, Abram had a visitation. The Almighty spoke to Abram in a vision, “Abram, don’t be afraid! I will protect you and reward you greatly.”

But Abram answered, “Eternal Father, All-Powerful, you have given me everything I could ask for, except children. When I depart this realm, Eliezer of Damascus will inherit all you have given me. You have not given me any children, and this servant, a wonderful trusted servant of mine will inherit everything.”

The Almighty replied, “No, he won’t! You will have a son of your own, and everything you have will be his.”

Then the Almighty took Abram outside and said, “Look at the sky and see if you can count the stars. That’s how many descendants you will have.”

Abram believed in the Almighty Creator, so the Almighty was pleased with him and accepted him.

What is the major point of this content shared in this portion of Genesis 15? Faith and trust in the Almighty, which was displayed by Abram confirmed promises made to him by the Almighty.

Also, Abram would be sure to have as many descendants as the stars of Heaven. His servant, Eliezer of Damascus would not inherit Abram’s riches.

A note about Damascus; this is not Damascus in Syria today. This is Damascus in West Africa. It is called Damasak, in Nigeria, where Abram and his people lived before going south after the Tower of Babel.

Until next time, be strong and very courageous, and may the Great Creator be with you.

Minister Koko
Consul General AKOPPI-BSM

Get Our Latest Book, Finding The African Faith Fix in the Bible

Power be with you!

2 thoughts on “Genesis 15 The Almighty’s Promises to Abram

  1. Thank you again for your wonderful contribution my dear brother. I wish that I had more finances to support you however. I will do the best that I can moving forward. Please know that you bless my soul every single time that you publish an article in obedience to our precious Father. What stood out for me in this scripture is how Abraham communicated his heart to our Father. He could have taken the position that many of us take… Because our heavenly father already knows us and knows what we need, we fail to talk to him about our heart’s desires and what is hurting us. I’m thankful for Abraham expressing his feelings to our heavenly Father about not having someone to leave his inheritance too from his own bones. I’m going to try to improve in that area as well. Much love and blessings to you my dear brother and to all of yours and all of ours who are faithful in the family of Yeshua ❣️

    1. Tehphna, that is a truly amazing and great insight. A sister just talked about being able to ask our Eternal Father for the deeper things on our mind that appear selfish or what not, yet He knows what we want because they are in our thoughts. I’m so glad you noticed that and shared with us that Abram definitely did that. Power be with you.

      Min Koko

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