"Discover the True Biblical Locations – Revealed on Africa’s Modern Maps"

Uncover the hidden connections between biblical places and people on today’s African landscape. Trace the footsteps of history through scripture and geography..

  • Biblical Locations Mapped to Modern Africa: Explore how ancient biblical locations correspond to present-day towns, cities, and regions in Africa (of all places).

  • Names of Biblical Figures Linked to Modern Places: Discover how biblical figures may have given their names to locations still present today.

  • Geo-Location of Every Biblical Place: Follow the journey of the Bible through detailed maps that connect each location to its modern counterpart.

  • Deeper Understanding of Biblical Geography: Gain insight into the significance of Africa in biblical history through accurate mapping and research.

  • Interactive Modern Maps: View maps that visually connect the lands of scripture to the modern-day African continent.

Start your journey into biblical geography and history today! Leave your name and email to access exclusive maps and insights!

Services Coming Soon

Here are a list of services we hope we can provide for you in the ATLOS Project (Africa The Land Of Shem)

1. Educational Content and Courses:

  • Online Courses and Webinars: In-depth courses on the historical and scriptural evidence supporting the claim that Sub-Saharan Africa is the true land of Israel and that the Bantu people are the modern-day descendants of the biblical Israelites.
  • Books and E-Books: Published works that delve deeper into the research and stories, available in both print and digital formats.
  • Merchandise: Themed merchandise such as apparel, accessories, and home decor that reflect the cultural and spiritual journey of the Bantu people.
  • 2. Community Engagement and Support:

  • Discussion Forums and Online Communities: Platforms where individuals can engage in discussions, share insights, and connect with others who are exploring the same revelations.
  • Q&A Sessions with Experts: Regularly scheduled live Q&A sessions with historians, theologians, and cultural experts to address questions and provide deeper understanding.
  • Research and Resources:

  • Research Publications and Articles: Access to a library of articles, research papers, and publications that provide detailed evidence and analysis on the true geographic and ancestral roots of the children of Israel.
  • Interactive Maps and Timelines: Digital tools that visually map out historical and scriptural references, helping users to understand the geographic shifts and the true location of the biblical lands.
  • Spiritual Guidance and Support

  • Bible Study Groups: Regular online or in-person Bible study sessions focused on understanding the scriptures from this new perspective.
  • Spiritual Counseling: Personalized counseling services to help individuals reconcile their faith with these new findings and to support their spiritual journey.
  • About Our Program


    The ATLOST Project is presented by the Abantu Kingdom of Priests Preparatory Institute (AKOPPI), our mission is to reorganize the world’s biblical spiritual information and make it universally accessible and transformative. Inspired by the prophecy in Isaiah 11:1-12, we aim to cultivate a community enriched by the spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and the fear of the Almighty Creator. We strive to judge with righteousness, uplift the meek, and create harmony among all people, guiding them towards a deeper understanding of their spiritual heritage and fostering unity and peace across the globe.

    Client Testimonials

    "From the moment Minister Koko mentioned the idea, I was in full support because I know the genuineness he has as a steward and the dedication he takes with his research. ATLOS will be an official record in the coming modern age."
    Phatima. A.
    “This is mind-blowing information that I fear and feared could not be true. However, upon reading through the book and course twice, it is regrettably authentic and we've been misinformed to the point of blatant lies. The truth shall set you free.”
    Yanapha B.
    “A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
    Client Name